#----------------------------------------------------------------# # # # SN4970/4E120VR # # R6.T 2012-07-18 H323 RBS SIP # # # # BusinessCom 2017 # # # # GEBRUIKERSNAAM en WACHTWOORD vervangen door BCOM gegevens # # 413724299 vervangen door de clip van klant # # # # WAN aansluiting gebruiken voor het netwerk # # WAN is ETH0/0 # # WAN IP-Adres vervangen gewenst ip-adres met # # bijbehorend subnetmasker # # Defaultgateway door gewenste gateway # # Eventueel de DNS servers # # en vervangen # # Voor GEEN CRC4 de regels 'framing crc4' vervangen door # # 'framing non-crc4' # # # # V09 PRI benaming 0-29 naar 0 30-59 naar 1 60-89 2 90-119 3 # # V09 q931 max-calls 30 en channel-range 0-29 naar 0-31 # # V10 long-haul vervangen door short-haul # # V11 default CLIP toegevoegd en start met 31 ipv 0 # # V12 default nationaal bellen met 31 # # # #----------------------------------------------------------------# cli version 3.20 clock local default-offset +01:00 clock local dst-rule NETHERLANDS +02:00 from 02:00 mar 31st previous sunday until 03:00 oct 31st previous sunday sntp-client sntp-client server primary 0.pool.ntp.org port 123 version 4 dns-client server dns-client server dns-relay webserver port 80 language en snmp community public ro system ic voice 0 profile r2 default profile napt NAPT_WAN profile ppp default profile tone-set default profile voip default codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 codec 2 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 profile pstn default profile sip default no autonomous-transitioning profile aaa default method 1 local method 2 none context ip router interface WAN ipaddress use profile napt NAPT_WAN tcp adjust-mss rx mtu tcp adjust-mss tx mtu context ip router route 1 context cs switch national-prefix 0 international-prefix 00 routing-table called-e164 INCOMING route default dest-service OUT_ISDN MAP_IN mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MAP_CALLED_IN map 0031(.........) to \1 map 31(.........) to \1 map 0(.........) to \1 mapping-table calling-e164 to calling-e164 MAP_CALLING_IN map 0031(.........) to 0\1 map 31(.........) to 0\1 mapping-table called-type-of-number to called-type-of-number MAP_TON_IN map default to national mapping-table called-numbering-plan to called-numbering-plan MAP_NRPLAN_IN map default to isdn-telephony mapping-table calling-e164 to calling-e164 MAP_CALLING_STARTALTIJDMET0 map 31(.........) to 0\1 map 0(.........) to 0\1 map (.........) to 0\1 map default to 0413724299 mapping-table calling-e164 to calling-e164 MAP_CALLING_STARTALTIJDMET31 map 31(.........) to 31\1 map 0(.........) to 31\1 map (.........) to 31\1 map default to 31413724299 mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MAP_CALLED_STARTNATIONAALMET31 map 0031(.%) to 31\1 map 00(.%) to 00\1 map 0(.%) to 31\1 mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MAP_CALLED_VOEGKENGETALTOE map ([2-9].%) to 0413\1 complex-function MAP_IN execute 1 MAP_CALLED_IN execute 2 MAP_CALLING_IN execute 3 MAP_TON_IN execute 4 MAP_NRPLAN_IN complex-function MAP_OUT execute 1 MAP_CALLING_STARTALTIJDMET31 execute 2 MAP_CALLED_STARTNATIONAALMET31 routing-table called-e164 CDPN_2_IP route .T dest-service OUT_IP MAP_OUT interface isdn IF_ISDN_PRI_0 route call dest-table CDPN_2_IP no call-transfer accept no call-transfer emit isdn-date-time interface isdn IF_ISDN_PRI_1 route call dest-table CDPN_2_IP no call-transfer accept no call-transfer emit isdn-date-time interface isdn IF_ISDN_PRI_2 route call dest-table CDPN_2_IP no call-transfer accept no call-transfer emit isdn-date-time interface isdn IF_ISDN_PRI_3 route call dest-table CDPN_2_IP no call-transfer accept no call-transfer emit isdn-date-time interface sip IF_SIP bind context sip-gateway GW_SIP route call dest-table INCOMING remote sip.bcom.nl 5060 privacy trust sip.bcom.nl # voor providers die gebruik maken van het RoutIT netwerk moet de domain-name in registratie zien dus trunktest.voipit.nl vervangen # # address-translation outgoing-call from-header user-part call host-part fix trunktest.voipit.nl # # Om een vast nummer mee naar buiten te sturen hier 31413724200 als voorbeeld # # address-translation outgoing-call from-header user-part fix 31413724200 host-part call # service hunt-group OUT_ISDN drop-cause normal-unspecified drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available drop-cause network-out-of-order drop-cause temporary-failure drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion drop-cause access-info-discarded drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available drop-cause resources-unavailable route call 1 dest-interface IF_ISDN_PRI_0 route call 2 dest-interface IF_ISDN_PRI_1 route call 3 dest-interface IF_ISDN_PRI_2 route call 4 dest-interface IF_ISDN_PRI_3 service hunt-group OUT_IP drop-cause normal-unspecified drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available drop-cause network-out-of-order drop-cause temporary-failure drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion drop-cause access-info-discarded drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available drop-cause resources-unavailable route call 1 dest-interface IF_SIP context cs switch no shutdown authentication-service AS_PROVIDER username GEBRUIKERSNAAM password WACHTWOORD location-service LS_PROVIDER domain 1 sip.bcom.nl identity-group default authentication outbound authenticate 1 authentication-service AS_PROVIDER username GEBRUIKERSNAAM identity GEBRUIKERSNAAM authentication outbound authenticate 1 authentication-service AS_PROVIDER registration outbound registrar sip.bcom.nl 5060 lifetime 180 register auto retry-timeout on-system-error 10 retry-timeout on-client-error 10 retry-timeout on-server-error 10 context sip-gateway GW_SIP interface WAN_BINDING bind interface WAN context router port 5060 context sip-gateway GW_SIP bind location-service LS_PROVIDER no shutdown port ethernet 0 0 medium auto encapsulation ip bind interface WAN router no shutdown port e1t1 0 0 port-type e1 clock master framing crc4 application short-haul encapsulation q921 q921 permanent-layer2 uni-side net encapsulation q931 q931 protocol dss1 uni-side net bchan-number-order ascending max-calls 30 channel-range 0 31 encapsulation cc-isdn bind interface IF_ISDN_PRI_0 switch port e1t1 0 0 no shutdown port e1t1 0 1 port-type e1 clock master framing crc4 application short-haul encapsulation q921 q921 permanent-layer2 uni-side net encapsulation q931 q931 protocol dss1 uni-side net bchan-number-order ascending max-calls 30 channel-range 0 31 encapsulation cc-isdn bind interface IF_ISDN_PRI_1 switch port e1t1 0 1 no shutdown port e1t1 0 2 port-type e1 clock master framing crc4 application short-haul encapsulation q921 q921 permanent-layer2 uni-side net encapsulation q931 q931 protocol dss1 uni-side net bchan-number-order ascending max-calls 30 channel-range 0 31 encapsulation cc-isdn bind interface IF_ISDN_PRI_2 switch port e1t1 0 2 no shutdown port e1t1 0 3 port-type e1 clock master framing crc4 application short-haul encapsulation q921 q921 permanent-layer2 uni-side net encapsulation q931 q931 protocol dss1 uni-side net bchan-number-order ascending max-calls 30 channel-range 0 31 encapsulation cc-isdn bind interface IF_ISDN_PRI_3 switch port e1t1 0 3 no shutdown