Systeem telefoonboek voor IPDECT.
System Phonebook
In addition to the local handset phonebook and the LDAP access to a central directory a central System Phonebook on the IWU has been implemented. Using an import interface, a simple CSV file is used to generate a central phonebook on the IWU. The entries of that phonebook are accessible in the same way as the LDAP directory. In contrast to the LDAP phonebook (which is used for outgoing calls solely), the system phonebook is also used to look up names during incoming calls and to display them on the handset.
The configuration of the system phonebook is accomplished on a group specific base at the WBM. WBM > Group > "PB (Phonebook) Enabled" WBM > Group > "Phonebook Prefix" WBM > User > [Load Phonebook]. If option "PB (Phonebook) Enabled" is enabled, the system phonebook is generally available for the group users and the corresponding handset menu ("Phonebook") will be displayed in the handsets service menu.
To load the phonebook into the IWU by means of a csv file, this may be accomplished using the button [Load Phonebook].
- The System phonebook file is NOT stored in the backup file of the IWU due to the dynamic nature of phonebook changes.
- Depending on the data source the System Phonebook is derived from, the Phone Numbers included may or may not contain a Dial Prefix to dial the PSTN. If the Phone Numbers don't include the Dial Prefix, a Dial Prefix may be added by using the corresponding configuration option (Group > Phone-bookPrefix).
- The System Phonebook supports the usage of a Phonebook Prefix. Therefore it is possible to use standard telephone numbers inside the Phonebook without the need of prepending a special Dial Prefix to each number in the import file.
- If a Phonebook Prefix is configured, the Phonebook prefix is prepended to the Dial String if the Telephone Number contains more digits than the Intern- CallLen. If the Phone Number is equal or less the InternCallLen, it is treated a s an internal number and therefore no prefix is used.
Sample Phonebook Configuration File
# AbbreviatedDialing (optional); Phonenumber (mandatory); Name (mandatory)
;0731123456789;Busch Jürgen
;0897007123456;Kleffner Werner
;0897007123457;Schütz Manfred
Hint: All Phone Number entries provided in the Phonebook will be dialed the same way; independent of the number of digits in a Phonebook number.
Using the phonebook
To use the phonebook, simply open the handsets service menu by pressing the left center. Inside the service menu, select "Phonebook".
If a LDAP phonebook is configured for the user's group, a further sub-menu will appear.
Select "SystemPhonebook" to open the System phonebook. If no LDAP phonebook is configured, the system phonebook is automatically opened.´
The first three entries of the phonebook are displayed. The entries are sorted ascending according the entry name. To navigate step by step, use the Softkeys "˅" and "^".
To select an entry beginning with a specific letter or digit you may use the alphanumerical keypad. Using the keypad keys will select the first entry in the phonebook list, which matches the corresponding digit. After an entry is selected, it may be dialed directly by pressing the green off-hook key. Using the soft key "Ok" instead will open the phonebook entry and display the name and phone number. The display entry may be dialed also by pressing the green off-hook key.
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