Unify technisch (reseller only)
- CLS certificate
- The new OpenScape Business X1R has been launched.
- Access to the Admin Portal (WBM) and other OpenScape Business web services using a Self-signed certificate.
- Openscape Business Outlook plugin in the new outlook of Office 365
- Release of new CP410 IP device
- RSP New Authentication method
Systemen OpenScape Business
- The OSBiz motherboard does not start and the front panel LED keeps red 60 seconds after power up
- LED status of OSBiz V3 OCCLA mainboard.
- Aantal users in SW package OpenScape Business
- Nieuwe marketing structuur Openscape Business X8 System box:
- OpenScape Business User Licentie inclusief 5 jaar SWS
- Wist je dat? Basis licentie incl. twee Trunk licenties
- Uitfasering OpenStage HFA
- Uitfasering OpenStage SIP Toestellen
- Handleiding configureren HiPath Cordless IP
- OpenScape CP200/400/600 gecertificeerd voor Broadsoft
- Power Provision Matrix
- OpenStage Busy Lamp Field 40
- Which Versions of Microsoft Outlook Are Supported by myPortal for Outlook?
- End of Sale verklaring Plug PC
- Hoe richt ik SSDP - RSP in?
- OpenStage Gate View
- Welke headset kan ik gebruiken bij mijn OpenScape Personal Edition (OSPE)
- Tijdschema in OScAR pro alarm server
Partner programma (Reseller only)
Unify Acties (Reseller only)
Systemen HiPath
- Changing extended SIP parameters for a SIP trunk connected to HiPath 3000.
- Welke poort wordt er gebruikt door Manager E?
- Uitfasering HiPath Xpressions Compact V3 aangekondigd
- veiligheidsmaatregelen tegen hackers en misbruik van netlijnen
- Uitfasering HiPath 3000 V9.0
- SLMA24 voor HiPath 3800 End of Sale [06-05-2013]
Systemen OpenScape Office
- Product Phase Out OpenScape Office V3 MX/LX
- No wave file attached to e-mail notification of new voice message for group mailbox (VoiceMail group)
- Problem with special characters when uploading file in external directory of the application.
- New FR9 software for openScape Office available
- Welke kaarten zijn geschikt voor een Openscape Business
- Nieuwe OpenScape Office LX DVD,