No wave file attached to e-mail notification of new voice message for group mailbox (VoiceMail group)
No wave file attached to e-mail notification of new voice message for group mailbox (VoiceMail group) on OpenScape Office / OpenScape Business.
This is by design, that is why the e-mail body does not mention that the voicemail message is attached to the e-mail.
If the wave file is attached to the notification e-mail for a group mailbox, all members of the group may work on the information contained in the message in parallel, this would be counter-productive.
There is no way to notify the other group members that someone in the group is already listening to the message and working on it.
This is why the recipient is directed to call the mailbox (or use a UC client application to listen to the message), in this way the user will know if the message has already been played, saved or deleted by another member of the group.
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