End of Sale OpenScape Office HX
Zie bijgevoegd document. De Hightlights:
Order Stop for the Phase Out Product, End of Central Training
_ Order stop M43/1 for OpenScape Office HX V3 will be on February 3rd, 2014.
From this point on the base licenses of OpenScape Office HX V3 and Demo / Installation Software can no longer be ordered. Expansion licenses for OpenScape Office HX V3 will be available until July 2015.
All central training for OpenScape Office HX V3 will be stopped.
End of Hardware and Software Support
The end of hardware and software support by development is planned for July 31st, 2015, in parallel to HiPath 3000 V9. From this point on no more error correction will take place for OpenScape Office HX V3. Instead, the customer must migrate to OpenScape Business.
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