Unify OpenScape Portfolio - Price changes effective May 6th, 2024
Unify has announced a price increase for certain products and articles.
Below you can find the announcements with all details.
Ongoing procurement and production cost increases in the global supply chains continue to impact Unify's business. To ensure the continuity of the OpenScape portfolio supply, we are purchasing components at higher than previous or planned prices. In addition, increased labor rates are impacting general costs across the business. While we aim to minimize these effects, some cannot be fully absorbed, resulting in global price list adjustments. Unify's GLP (Global List Price) on select hardware and software (HW/SW) items will be increased effective May 6th, 2024. We have minimized the number of parts affected and focused our increases on areas with tangible cost increases instead of across-the-board increases.
1. Hardware Price changes
These price increases are for specific hardware components and do not impact all portfolio items. They are calculated based on the current manufacturing costs per order position. The following Unify portfolio elements are affected:
Unify OpenScape Platforms, and Solutions:
- OpenScape 4000 (Software Entry Bundle has a price decrease)
- OpenScape Voice (Lenovo Server)
- OpenScape Cordless Enterprise (Classic DECT)
- OpenScape Xpert
- OpenScape Branch / Session Border Controller (Lenovo Server)
Unify Devices:
- OpenScape Desk Phone CP Series: Accessoires
- OpenScape Desk Phone CP 200T
- OpenScape DECT handsets: S6 & Accessoires
- OpenScape WL4 (WLAN device) and Accessoires
Note: Based on the above criteria, some items, such as the OpenScape Desk Phone CP700X, will see price reductions (in the case of the CP700X by 11%)
A comprehensive list of affected HW/SW order positions with both the old and new GLP is added to this article.
2. Software Price changes
There is NO general price increase for software order positions. The prices are adapted for certain products and features to follow the changes in feature sets or market pricing.
Unify OpenScape Applications and Solutions:
- OpenScape UC: UC application user licenses (for further details see attached document)
3. Recurring revenue streams (SSP)
The prices for SSP (Software Support) for the Unify Large Enterprise portfolio will be increased in average by approximately 10,5%. In parallel, the discounts for the 3 and 5-year options will be harmonized to the Mitel discount scheme of 7% and 10%, respectively.
A comprehensive list of affected SSP order positions with both the old and new GLP is added to this article.
Where possible, we advise creating new quotes for pending opportunities to ensure bids remain valid for the entire duration of their price protection period.
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