Configuration SIP as ISDN
- In the past, DID-capable ITSP connections were administered separately from the ISDN connections and handled differently in the system.
- As of MR3, the DID call numbers of the ITSP can be administered in the "DID" field (as with ISDN): SIP as ISDN. This implementation has the following advantages:
- The routing mechanisms (standalone and in networks) correspond to those of the ISDN trunk connection.
- The setup via the OpenScape Business Assistant is analogous to the ISDN setup; no separate assignment of individual provider DIDs is now required.
- MSN (translation table ) is not used anymore
- As a result CLIP signaling is now also administered like ISDN and supported by the system.
- The "Configurable CLIP" feature is now also supported for ITSP trunk connections.
- Externally, instead of the caller's DID number, some other set call number (e.g., the phone number of the hunt group) can be signaled.
- The known work around for configurable Clip must not be used anymore.
- Changing route parameter “Call number type” of the SIP trunk to DID (instead internal)
- In MSN Table select “insert number directly” and connect every MSN number to a DID number(instead of configuring every MSN/DID number to an internal number)
- It is not allowed anymore to change the route parameters of a SIP trunk manually via expert mode.
- The route parameters will be set by the wizards
- SIP as ISDN should be used instead.
- For new installations it can be configured immediately via the wizard.
- In case of upgrades of existing OSBiz systems to MR 3 which are configured as mentioned before the SIP provider needs to be deleted and reconfigured
A complete description of the configuartion SIP as ISDN can be found on the Wiki pages of Unify: chapter 4.5 (page 24 and further). This document also describes the other configuartion capabilities for ITSP's. For OpenScape Business V2 use this link:
Additional Notes for the DID Mode:
- DID mode is available since OpenScape Business V1R3.
- One ITSP access (only) is supported with this kind of connectivity (DID Mode). This interface defines the gateway location for the system.
- Additional ITSP accesses may be configured in the same manner (DID based, no mapping) only, if collisions regarding the DID numbering scheme can be avoided.
- Additional ITSP accesses based on internal call number (Callno mapping mode) may be used in the same node.
- For central ITSP access in a network scenario, only one node should be configured in DID mode. Local CO lines may be used but only for outgoing calls (e.g. emergency calls). LCR configuration should be configured accordingly in all nodes in the same way as in central CO/ISDN access in networking scenarios.
- Starting with V1R3 this configuration is mandatory when CLIP shall be used. The CLIP configuration based on mapping mode can only be used in older SW versions. Reconfiguration is required, when upgrading such a system to V1R3
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