Flexible user licensing in OpenScape Business.
At begin of November 2014 a new flexible license concept for all user licenses will be implemented. This new concept enables the
licensing TDM-, Mobility-, and Deskshare User by using IP user licenses.
Rules for the use of flexible user licensing:
- The existing licensing structure stays. The existing license file in TDM, - Deskshare or Mobility User licenses will be granted priority in the license allocation by the OpenScape Business Assistant.
- Only after assignment of all licenses of a type IP user licenses to license additional TDM, can - Deskshare or User Mobility can be
For better illustration, the display in the OpenScape Business Assistant (license management, local user licenses) from V1R3.x is changed:
- The Deskshare - Mobility and TDM users unallocated / free user licenses of that type plus the licensable over IP User Licenses users are displayed.
- The number of user licenses in sum remains unchanged.
Prerequisite to use the new flexible licensing concept is the V1R3.2 SW and a via CLS new generated license file which is loaded / activated in the OpenScape Business system.
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