New Basestation BS5: software and LED status
As from now on the new “BS5” base station for the CMI of Openscape Business will be delivered. These BS5 basestations are only supported on Openscape Business and NOT on HiPath 3000.
Software for new BS-5 base station S30807-U5497-X1
Please note that the Openscape Business SW must be at least V1 R3.4.1566 (fr4) in order to support the new BS-5.
This software is available from today on.
Sales Release Update No. 1 for DECT Base Station 5 – new Hardware release
Due to a required component change within the Hardware of the DECT Base station 5 in April 2016 the part number of BS will change accordingly.
Old part number BS5: S30807-U5497-X1
New part number BS5: S30807-U5497-X10
The new BS5 hardware (S30807-U5497-X10) of course requires new specific drivers that are included from the following software versions:
OpenScape Business: V2R1 (INF-15-000239) and higher (available since 04/04/2016)
LED Status for BS5
The colours of the status LEDs in the BS5 has changed compared to the BS4.
The colour of the right LED is different depending of the connected UP0E lines.
During the startup the left LED displays the Encryption Status. Normally encrytion should Always be activated.
Colours for the right LED in operation mode:
Dark blue -> 1x Up0E connected
Magenta -> 2x Up0E connected
Light blue -> 3x Up0E connected
Colours for the left LED during startup:
blinking yellow -> Encryption on
blinking red -> Encryption off
Other led Status can be found on page 329 (paragraph 5.2.3 LEDs) from the attached ServiceDocumentation pdf file.
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