How to use the MiTAI Browser support tool
MiVoice Business
MiTAI Browser
- Launch the MiTAI Browser (<server_install_dir>\Support\MiTAI Tools\MitaiBrowser100.exe)
- Expand Setup Functions
- Double-click init; the SXInit dialog box will appear.
- Specify where you would like the log to be created
- The default sometimes will not work; if that is the case, change it to another location or set it to 'C:\Program Files\Mitel\'
Figure 1 Shows the default Logging Path on Initialization
- Click OK
- If you receive an error, and the box for SX_PNI_SUPPORT is checked, uncheck it and try again
- If using the MiTAI Browser for an extended period, click Options in the title bar, click Log File, and increase the Size value to 15000
- Click File
- Click Add Server IP
- Specify the IP address of the PBX and provide a name (the name can be anything; if connecting to multiple PBXx use a friendly name to identify the controller)
- Click OK
- Click the added ICP in the Targets pane
- Double-click Open ICP in the Functions pane under Setup Functions
- Click OK (If using multiple NIC cards click SX_ADAPTER_IPADDRESS and specify the IP address of the voice network before clicking OK)
- You should see everything return SX_OK (Figure 2)
Figure 2 Shows SX_OK Returned on Connection
- Right-click your PBX in the Targets pane
- Click Add Device
- Specify the DN (dialable number) for the device (extension, agent, queue)
- Click OK
- Click the device in the Targets pane
- Double-click Set Monitor in the Functions pane under Setup Functions
- Press OK
- Double click Set Device Feature Monitor in the Functions pane under Setup Functions
- Press OK
Figure 3 Shows the DN connected with both Monitors set
You now have a connection to the PBX and a MiTAI monitor set on a device. You can perform all MiTAI functions on the device under Call control, Feature Services, ACD Specific*, Resiliency*, Peer Info*, and Others*.
NOTE: Items marked with an asterisk may not be available in older versions.
Notable Controls for Troubleshooting
There are a few key items which will assist in troubleshooting outside of the normal call control.
Feature Services -> Query Device Features
This item will query the device and return key class of service options and information such as if an agent is logged in, if the device is in make busy, or if the device is in do not disturb
Feature Services ->Alter Device Feature
This item will allow you to log in and out an agent to an extension, set and remove make busy codes, and set and remove do not disturb
Additional Notes
The MiTAI browser is distributed with every installation of MiContact Center Business, and is stored in <server_install_dir>\Support\MiTAI Tools\.
The MiTAI Browser bypasses the MiContact Center Business software suite to communicate directly with the PBX to perform actions. This will indicate, in most scenarios, whether the issue resides on the PBX or in the MiContact Center Business (aka prairieFyre) MiTAI-related services (MiTAI Proxy, Collector, etc).
The MiTAI Browser also allows you to perform functions on a device which may not be accessible without physical access to that device, such as making a call or clearing a call at sites which do not use Phone Set Manager.
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