How to change a Mulap name in OSBiz and how to synchronise it with UCSuite
When you want to change the name of a MuLap group in an OSBiz system, this must be done via Expert Mode. Navigate to Incoming Calls > Team/Top. Select the appropriate MuLap, click on one of the MuLap users, and there you can modify the MuLap name.
However, when entering a MuLap name, you cannot separately define the first and last names. As a result, the MuLap name entered here will be presented as the first name in UCSuite.
To ensure the MuLap name is split into first and last names in UCSuite, you can use one of the following naming conventions when entering the MuLap name:
<last name>, <first name>
<last name>, <first name initial>
<first name>, <last name>
<first name initial>, <last name>
<last name>
The default value in the system is <last name>, <first name>
(this is also used if you have chosen <first name> <last name>
in the display settings).
By applying this method, the name will also be split correctly in UCSuite.
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