Central License Server - Clean up Endcustomer account
Partners need to be aware that licenses must be assigned to the respective end-customer CLS account. Since April 2016 the activation of licences on the ‘reseller’ type of account is no longer possible. Licenses can ONLY be activated on the account type, ‘end-customer’.
For your machines that have licenses on a reseller account you will not be able to generate license keys. If you want to avoid future license issues we recommend you to transfer these licenses to an ‘end-customer’ type accounts.
To facilitate this transfer, we request that partners open a ticket with CLS user support, stating the following information:
Subject: Clean up Endcustomer account for customer “ xxx” at CLS
Content: Please fill the Template and ad it to the mail. The 1st tab in the file is for collecting the end-customer info required to identify / create their accounts. There is a reference column so that you can use that reference on the 2nd tab for 'assigning' licenses to these companies. The columns to the right of the grey one, are to be used where multiple customers are on the same locking ID etc. (this is normally not used)
The template can be found as attachment to this KB article.
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