Wrong CLIP is send when making external calls after an upgrade of the OSO to MR13
After upgrading an OSO to V3R3.13 it can happen that the outgoing CLIP is not send correct anymore. This is caused by a new feature that was implemented in this software. To solve the issue a small configuration change has to be made in te mapping table.
With OSO V3R3.13 it is possible to work with an ITSP which has assigned overlapping DID ranges to one access (e.g. 90-99 and 280-299). In previous SW versions it was not possible to assign these numbers to different stations.
As a side effect this feature needs a reconfiguration if an ITSP is used in mapping mode and the external number is mapped to a DID in national format (instead of an internal number)
In such a case the field “insert number directly” must be configured including the national prefix.
External Number: 31413411005
DID (national): 0413411005
National prefix: 0
No. and type outgoing: country code (nationaal)
This issue only occurs when the mapping of the DID number is done to a DID number (insert number directly) and not to the internal number.
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