Delivery of OpenScape Business X SW Image on 16GB SDHC
With immediate effect new OpenScape Business X systems are shipped with an 16 GB SDHC for the small SW image.
The part number of the card delivery assembly is not changed.
The card label itself has been enhanced by the imprint 16 GB.
The 16 GB SDHC card is recognized by the system SW from V2R6 on.
The SDHC Health Status will change the card status from green to yellow earliest after 8 years.
The OpenScape Business Cardmanager V1.023 and the integrated SDHC card Backup support the full card size.
The card works also in systems with SW versions smaller than V2R6, but the SDHC Card Health Status indication will show "unknown" card in this case. After an update to V2R6 the current status is shown.
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