New mainboard for OpenScape Business X8 (OCCLA) is available.
For the OpenScape Business X models, the SW V3 supports the existing V2 mainboard variants, and in a first step the new high-performance mainboard (OCCLA) for the X8 model variant.
- OpenScape Business V3 provides the following highlights with the new V3 mainboard (OCCLA):
Technology Upgrade (new mainboard) makes OpenScape Business future-proof and
ready for further requirements , innovations and security demands - No need of UC Booster Card and Server anymore simplifies installation & configuration
- Fast and long-life M.2-SSD replaces SDHC-card (optional plugable SSD for UC Applications), new board about 8 x faster CPU performance
- Enhanced Capabilities:
• standardized“ technology approach
• Co-processor for high performance on-board encryption
• Gigabit Network Interfaces
• Audio in “on board) - Basis for further Software Releases and Innovations
- Smooth migration path and investment protection for customers: Just replace the
Mainboard and keep most of other hardware & phones
• IVM and OptoiPoint phones are not supported anymore - License adjustments and optimizations for new V3 hardware: OpenScape Business
CSTA license for X and S systems. Simplified UC license handling - CLS Connect Service supports automatic and easy migration to V3
In addition to the points listed above, the new version offers enhancements for important
maximum values like SIP provider channels, groups, mobility users, etc., additional security features like LDAPS, as well as UC enhancements with myPortal @work and connectivity enhancements with Circuit. all these details are available in the sales information and administrator documentation.
The following order positions are available:
- OCCLA: X8 Mainboard -L30251-U600-G664
- OpenScape Business System-Software on M.2 SSD boot device - L30251-U600-G668
- OpenScape Business M.2 SSD for UC applications - L30251-U600-G667
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