CLS Connect hints:
- Recommendation for the activation of CLS Connect.
Please activate CLS Connect only at the end customer. Reason therefore is, the system needs time to establish a verified connection between OS Biz and CLS this can take up to 4 hours. If this process will be interrupted, then the system runs into issues.
- Workaround if CLS Connect is active and the license synch has been interrupted
Press the online license button to force an online update of the license file.
Note: This workaround works only if one licenfile ia available on the OSBiz machine on the OS Biz. ONE Licensfile used (no additional license for e.g. Personal Edition, OSCIP etc.)
- Service Evaluation License with CLS Connect
In case of an active service Evaluation it is not allowed to activate CLS Connect. Today the CLS connect activation will be ignored at the CLS. In one of the upcoming releases the activation button will be greyed out when Service Evaluation is activated.
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