The connections to the Central License Server (CLS) will be restricted to TLS 1.2
Timeframe extended to 20th of June 2022, the connections to the Central License Server (CLS) will be restricted to TLS 1.2
As we announced on February 22nd and April 6th via newsletter the Central License Server will get security updates. This requires a software update for selected OpenScape Business V2 systems to Version 3. Please find further information about affected OpenScape Business Systems in the before mentioned newsletter.
After receiving feedback from our partner community that the timeframe to upgrade the OpenScape Business systems is too short we have negotiated a longer time period.
This security enhancement on CLS will be now updated on 20th of June 2022.
The connections to the Central License Server (CLS) will be restricted to TLS 1.2 by 30th of April
As we announced in the February 22nd newsletter the Central License Server will get security updates.
A crucial change is the deactivation of TLS 1.1. This update of the Central License Server requires an update of your OpenScape Business System to V3.
The online licensing (CLS Connect) of OSBiz V2 to the Central License Server of Unify is using the TLS1.1 and will not work any longer.
This security enhancement on CLS will be updated 30th of April 2022.
In addition, we also send a reminder email to each primary contact of the OS Biz system with active CLS Connect.
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